Alexander Studios



A non-traditional fashion collective from Hagen, Germany.

Alexander Studios is a non-traditional fashion brand from Hagen, Germany. We are two friends who have a passion for fashion and love creating garments that reflectour unique visions. We follow our path and ignore the noise of external influences or societal expectations. Our garments are a canvas for our boundless creativity, brought to life without the constraints of conformity. Join us on this journey of self-expression and let our garments speak of our reimagining of the fabric of fashion. Welcome to a world where individuality reigns and personal style knows no boundaries.


Creating Inspired Bonds through Every Collection

Each of our collections tells a unique story and reflects a specific phase of the designer's life. We do not see our clothing as just fashion pieces but as expressions of creativity and individuality. By combining art and fashion, we aim to make a bond that sparks a sense of inspiration in aligning themselves with our idea of life and style.


Always evvole!

For our fashion brand, our goal is beautifully simple: to passionately pursue what we love. We're dedicated to translating our unique vision into reality, untouched by external influences. Our mission is to ignite inspiration in people, infusing life into art, and perpetually pushing the boundaries of creativity and quality. It's a journey of constant evolution, driven by our unwavering commitment to our craft and the distinctiveness that sets us apart.



Can you describe the design process/ inspiration behind your collections? 

The design process is always different for me, with nofixed routine. I particularly enjoy working at night when there is solitude and tranquility. During those hours, my mind is at peace, allowing me to concentrate better. However, I also find inspiration during the daytime,sitting in the garden and letting nature stimulate my creativity. Therefore, I would say there is no particular process I consistently follow when designing.

Have you faced any challenges inestablishing and growing your label? If so, how did you overcome they?

Have you faced any challenges in establishing and growing your label? If so, how did you overcome them?

Of course, as an artist, we have encountered numerous challenges along our journey, from issues with manufacturing and delayed deliveries to receiving products that weren't the correct color as initially requested—the list is never-ending. However, these challenges provide valuable learning experiences and keep things interesting. The fashion industry is not always easy or pleasant, especially when you are a small label. But in the end, everychallenge is an important lesson. By persevering and ensuring we don't repeat the same mistakes, we learn to embrace the process and appreciate every lesson,even if it comes at a cost.

How do you stay current with trends while maintaining your brand identity?

While I do conduct trend research, color analysis, and similar tasks, it is important to note that I do not solely adhere to current trends. Ultimately, I make design choices based on my personal taste and what I believe will result in remarkable fashion pieces.

What are your plans for the future of your label?

Currently, we are working on two new collections scheduled to release in 2024. Additionally, we have other projects inprogress, including the establishment of our foundation. We are excited about the prospect of having pop-up stores throughout Germany and potentially expanding to other countries in Europe. That's all I can share at the moment; I prefer not to disclose too much. However, I assure you that significant developments are underway, and we are already involved in larger endeavors.

Can you describe the design process/ inspiration behind your collections?

The design process is always different for me, with no fixed routine. I particularly enjoy working at night when there is solitude and tranquility. During those hours, my mind is at peace, allowing me toconcentrate better. However, I also find inspiration during the day time, sitting in the garden and letting nature stimulate my creativity. Therefore, I would say there is no particular process I consistently follow when designing.

Have you faced any challenges in establishing and growing your label? If so, how did you overcome them?

Of course, as an artist, we have encountered numerous challenges along our journey, from issueswith manufacturing and delayed deliveries to receiving products that weren't the correct color as initially requested—the list is never-ending. However, these challenges provide valuable learning experiences and keep things interesting. The fashion industry is not always easy or pleasant, especially when you are a small label. But in the end, every challenge is an important lesson. By persevering and ensuring we don't repeatthe same mistakes, we learn to embrace the process and appreciate every lesson,even if it comes at a cost.

How do you stay current with trends while maintaining your brand identity?

While I do conduct trend research, color analysis, and similar tasks, it is important to note that I do not solely adhere to current trends. Ultimately, I make design choices based on my personal taste and what Ibelieve will result in remarkable fashion pieces

What are your plans for the future of your label?

Currently, we are working on two new collections scheduled to release in 2024. Additionally, we have other projects in progress, including the establishment of our foundation. We are excited about the prospect of having pop-up stores throughout Germany and potentially expanding to other countries in Europe. That's all I can share at the moment; I prefer not to disclose too much. However, I assure you that significant developments are underway, and we are already involved in larger endeavors.




What is the foundation's vision and how does it aim to support young creatives?

The foundation focuses on supporting other creative individuals. I have had the opportunity to pursue my dreams and work toward my goals, but there are many young creatives out there who share a similar vision but lack the financial backing I had. The foundation's vision is to support these talented individuals who don't have the means to pursue their dreams and work on their goals. We provide them with a space to work on their projects and a platform to promote and sell their products in the end. Moreover, having learned from our own mistakes, we aim to pass on those lessons, potentially saving them a significant amount of money. Ultimately, it's about sharing our creative vision, and we want to assist and support themas much as we can, so they don't have to pay for the same mistakes we made.

What is the foundation's vision and how does it aim to support young creatives?
The foundation focuses on supporting other creative individuals. I have had the opportunity to pursue my dreams and work toward my goals, but there are many young creatives out there who share a similar vision but lack the financial backing I had. The foundation's vision is to support these talented individuals who don't have the means to pursue their dreams and work on their goals. We provide them with a space to work on their projects and a platform to promote and sell their products in the end. Moreover, having learned from our own mistakes, we aim to pass on those lessons, potentially saving them a significant amount of money. Ultimately,it's about sharing our creative vision, and we want to assist and support themas much as we can, so they don't have to pay for the same mistakes we made.